So I had a real shit day the other day, which began with a bad start at work. I can't bitch about what people at work did here but let's just say I was PISSED.
Then I found a random new feathery cat toy on the floor so I thought I'd play with Eraser...she was jumping and running all over the place like she was on steroids but I suspect she became agitated from all the (over?)stimulation and she got super angsty. She didn't wanna be pet and everytime I went over to stroke her she'd get up, walk a few steps away, and sit back down again. Note that this is not normal because out of everyone in the office, Eraser loves me the most and that is a fact (will blog about her sometime!!!)
Eraser being unhappy made me unhappy and I didn't want her to be unhappy so I left her to cool down by herself. She then came back to me and sat under my desk for a little cat nap but then the ass crack of the sky decided to split apart and let out horrifying bouts of thunder and lightning and she got scared and jumpy :( SAD SMOOSHYPOO = SAD RACHIEPOO. Plus thunderstorms get me all depressed too.
AND THEN I was looking forward to my damn overdue hair treatment after work but even THAT, a PAMPERING SESSION, turned out to be one of the WORST parts of my day.
So a few months back I bought this scalp treatment package from Jean Yip. I normally wouldn't even THINK of patronising Jean Yip because I've seen a lot of my friends go in there for haircuts and emerge fugly, but I went for a free trial sesh (with the full intention of rejecting the hard selling that would come later) and that shit actually WORKED like there was a significant difference in the "before" and "after" scans - in the sense that my scalp was less oily and follicles less clogged - so I signed up for a 10-session package at a special first-time-customer price of less than $50 per treament. With the intention of never renewing my package and going DIY instead because after that the prices will just go up and anything more than $50 for a place like Jean Yip is too much.
The person who does the hair shit for me there is one of the more senior staff, and I booked my appointment under her as usual. But that day she was nowhere to be found and this random Malaysian ah lian did it for me. I highly suspect she was a trainee becuase she was inexperienced as fuck, kept poking me with her fucking nails and when she washed my hair SHE USED HER FUCKING NAILS ON MY SCALP.
She didn't even make sure the water was cool enough and even the mere act of WRAPPING THE TOWEL AROUND MY HEAD caused me pain. I don't know how either, but I guess it takes a certain kind of stupid to do that.
WTF. I hope she punctures her nostrils with her nails when she digs her nose and her nose will require plastic surgery to look the same again except when she gets plastic surgery her nose will end up even uglier than it was before. And also the same for her anus when she's wiping her butt.
I really REALLY regret not fucking her up. The only reason why I didn't was because I was already too damn tired and had no energy to let my not-so-inner bitch dragon out. Nvm, I know her name and during my next treatment I will complain to my regular person. That is, if they don't give me yet ANOTHER stupid Malaysian ah lian.
I'll have you know my scalp has never felt so stressed in my life and IT STILL HURT EVEN AFTER 30 MINUTES FROM THE END OF TREATMENT WTF. WHAT THE FUCK DO I PAY $50 A MONTH FOR? To get my scalp DAMAGED??? JEEZ.
Malaysian ah lians, Malaysian ah lian standards...GET ME OUTTA HERE.
Anyway, Malaysian chao ah lians or not, I've already decided that once this package ends I'm going to just rely on Lush's Roots scalp mask and have it DIY style.
I'll tell you guys about how the hair treatment works if I remember next time/if I don't have anything better to talk about (ie probably never lo) but anyway back to that fateful day.
Blah blah blah and then I got on my feeder bus and just as I was about to sit down, I noticed a piece of folded up paper on the seat next to mine. Like what the fuck, after all this I still gotta deal with TRASH? But hey, I thought, better trash than human. If the trash on the next seat allows me to sit in complete solitude, why not right? Anyway it was just paper, not some crumpled up mucus-drenched piece of tissue.
As the bus drove off and I was already comfortably seated alone, I somehow decided to pick up the piece of paper and unfolded it. Lo and behold..............
Moral of the story? Trash > human.